Friday, October 10, 2008

Twilight Trailer

I haven't read the series of books this movie is based on and hadn't heard of them until a few weeks ago. I know the release of Twilight was the reason for the next Harry Potter movie being knocked from it's November release back to the Summer of 2009. I'm not a patient person. *growl* I'll have to read through the Twilight Saga before the movie comes out. From what I see in the trailer I'll definitely throw down my moola for a two to three hour vamp fest.


KrisMrsBBradley said...

The books are pretty good! Not HP good, in my opinion, but pretty close. And they got my 16 year old son back into reading, so that's something special!

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to check these books out. Now I definitely have to!!!!

WyrrdWitch said...

If the books can hold a 16 year old's attention, then that is indeed high praise! I'll try to devour them by Samhain.